Meet Alfred, your Personal AI Assistant on Telegram

No Credit Card Required

Access GPT4 Without Paying Full Price

GPT4, the advanced AI model for ChatGPT, costs $20/month. Alfred gives you access to GPT4 for a much lower monthly fee with plenty of credits to use.

AI Image Generation

Generate stunning, high-quality images , simply by describing your vision to Alfred. Whether it's for work, a project, or just for fun, Alfred brings your ideas to life visually.

Unleash Your Imagination

Harness the fastest way to reach an AI assistant using the convenience of Telegram Messenger.

Instant Connection

Exercise complete control with the option to delete all chat logs, ensuring your privacy is always respected.

Note: Those are logs on our servers. OpenAI will still receive your data to generate answers.

Privacy in Your Hands

Literally Talk To Alfred

Voice Messaging Capability (Coming Soon)

Don't like typing? Just send voice messages to Alfred. Speak your thoughts and let Alfred do the work for you. Perfect for those moments when your hands are busy, but your mind is buzzing with ideas.

Pricing Tailored For You

  • GPT 3.5 - 20 messages/month

  • Image generation: 3 images/month

  • GPT 3.5 Turbo: 1000 messages/month

  • GPT 4 Turbo: 500 messages/month

  • Image generation: 30 images/month

  • Voice messaging capability (coming soon)

Free Version

Pro Version


Hear From Our Heroes

"Alfred has transformed how I work and learn. It's like having a genius at my beck and call, 24/7!"

- Clarice Turner

"I was skeptical at first, but Alfred proved to be an invaluable asset. It's amazing how much time and effort I save every day."

- Brian Moten

Ready to Begin?

Get started for free and experience the difference. Be the hero in your journey, with Alfred by your side every step of the way.